Milwaukee’s fight for the eight hour day

Conditions that led to the fight for the eight hour day resulting in the death of several workers.

source Advertise your bike business at Bikes n Customs


  • Is there anyway you can send me the file of this? We are covering this in a class and I think it would be a great addition? If not, do you know where I can get a copy?

  • If you are using Mozilla firefox you might want to check their add ons for downloading videos from youtube. I use Flash video download.

  • Don't know if you are interested or not but on the first sunday in May the Wisconsin Labor Historical Society holds a memorial service in Bay view

  • One other thing that I would like to mention is that I put a website together about labor history in Wisconsin. Google Bay View rolling mills and click on anything that has execpc in the link.

  • I love this and am going to use it.  One minor quibble: Kosciuszko is pronounced incorrectly.  It is actually "kashOOshko."

  • Thanks, Stephan, for posting this. I have DVD copies, though this online version works just as well, for classes etc.  Anyone interested can message me on my YouTube page (Click on "About").  BTW, the music was used by permission as noted in the credits. As Stephen said, On the first Sunday in May at 3 pm, without fail, a group gathers at the memorial on Russel and Superior.  Recent years have included Giant Puppets and music, as is planned this year, May 3rd 2015

  • For anyone interested, There is a public commemoration on the first Sunday in May at 3 pm at the historical marker on the corner of Superior and Russell Streets in Milwaukee. in recent years they've included music and a theatrical re-enactment. in 2016, 3pm on Sunday May 1st. hope to see everyone there.

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