Alien Spiders! Black Goo, Chemtrails, Morgellons, Excellent Must See!!!

Excellent German scientist and journalist Harald Kautz Vella with Bases founder Miles Johnston (see his channel below) talks about the planet life blood known as “black goo” and how an alien black goo was brought here to help the alien forces to live on earth, and the Bushes and Angela Merkel have their villas right on top of a massive underground tank of alien black goo! He talks about how an astral projector saw the alien forms inside his body and drew a spider like being with a human looking face! In a separate interview with Harold, Miles Johnston talks about how both he and Harold were attacked by demonic or sub-dimensional spiders, and Harold talks in depth about the science of what they are really doing with chemtrails, also being another confusing mix of perpetrators with differing agendas.

Also Miles asked me to let you know there is a major new conference where amazing undisclosed information will be revealed. It will take place in the United Kingdom, here is the information link:


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Miles Johnston Channel Videos:

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  • CONCERNING BLACK Goo:For a few years, I had no reference to know what to call it, but now that it's description and nature has been made public, I now will write about what I know about it; It is a self moving thing, and demonic, which can grow through consuming particulars yet uncertain, growth is also achieved by combining with other black goo in which after gaining a weight or mass, can sweep the face of any surface, seeking to kill any living thing it comes in contact with and can produce tornado like motions in windy places, form hands and tinticles to gab pray, clime, or open sealed entrances, what also is scary is it's ability to use solid objects like rocks, pipes, wheels as weapons or items to use as tools. Note: it can travel undetected, at night, in dark areas, underground and under water, attacking lake and sea life forms, including an ability to carry radiation, to and fro. I can not find a source from which it came, nor know how long it has been in existence, If there is a way to destroy BLACK Goo, without spreading it out of control, it should be done right away, for it is able to end life on and in Earth, as we know it.

  • Mr.Kautz, I've had dreams, Black Goo was set loose by Evil forces, who knew how to train it to attack, and it formed a mind of it's own, even attacking it's X masters, moving around the Earth, the same time Earth was already suffering the End of Days. Thank you for helping give this thing a name, for all my remembered deams, are truth.

  • So he visited a medium to talk with a dead guy to discover some answers to his questions… I would think besides the fact he's a scientist, when he mentions God that he would in fact do some research and realize by consulting a medium he's in fact dipping his toes in a certain dark pool of which the two have no correlation, but are mentioned in the Bible.

  • Thank you, Klaus, for a very interesting, horrifying, and inspiring talk on just what the real problems of our world is, and presenting some Light at the end of the Tunnel so we don't have to go to bed in abject hopelessness. I am a victim of this Morgellon's, although it seems to be trying to exit through my head, as the result of a basel cell cancer, that seemed to spread all over my head, like some strange fungus. When I first began working on it with herbs, I seemed to run into rows and rows of crystals, and now in the second time of losing my hair, the hair comes out in bunches of spider=like hairs that look remarkably like hairs on a spider's leg.  Strange how your discriptions met my observations in every detail, even in being attached by demon-like entities. I would love talking with you and sharing my story. if you are interested, I have a FB page you could contact me at.

  • at 49:42 I think this is what I have. is this deadly? It might sound like a stupid question but in all honesty I have had biopsies on it and have been told they don't know what it is and refer me to UV treatment.

  • you can produce M-state matter in your own body with meditation and qigong

  • oil pulling can remove the metall smartstuff from your body

  • the stone in mecca was said to have come from "heaven" and that it was initially white and turned black over time from people kissing it ( this is to cleanse us from our sins)…. I'm a muslim myself and this black goo stuff is is alarming and I believe it to correlate with sacred geometry as well….. great vid I learned alot and made a lot of connections from Vella's research to many prophecies in Islam..
    From my knowledge the "beings" that came to earth seeking asylum and deceived humans are I think the "shaytaan" and devils that the Almighty prevents from entering heaven..
    The "shaytaan" is said to have heavy influence on us humans and is "so close to us as if its in your blood" with that said by my all of my loved ones whom are students of islam, this/these Morgellons or spider like thingys are I think "Shaytaan"….. idk but my god this vid is a game changer, kudos on the upload

    -Peace & Love

  • Holi shmolies! This guy is amazing–Out of the box type person. Bravo!

  • I loved this but why mention demons but not God.  But will share.  A lot of truth in this.

  • i think Morgellons and other similar alien extraterrestrial biological containment are like sleeping cell in our organism waiting some event to activate in our body?what if world world government use Chemtrails and other similar alien extraterrestrial biological containment to infect us?when we are infected this,disease sleep in us like sleeping cell,and wait for something to get triggered by some biological agens and causing Instant massive mutation with our body?its terrible horror prediction!god save us!

  • I think I will keep working on meditation and spiritual work to build and protect a healthy body, mind, and spirit as much as possible. Soul is everything. God is everything. It always boils down to that duality on this physical plane. But humans can become yogis, Christs, and be untouched. Thank you for explaining all these things. May God bless your wisdom and may He help you protect the goodness within us.

  • If not strictly elective, trans-humanism ought at least be voluntary! I'm fairly sure the only motivation of one faction of this technical movement is to overwhelm the Biblical predominance of truth at any cost. It may be as a prerequisite for time travel (a long held dream of those who would be God) or simply as a plausible defense against judgement, should all else (eternal youth or time (inter-dimensional) travel) fail. Of course, that would leave them with only argument and prestidigitation (the usual BS).


  • This Guy is a Genius and a terrific speaker. Everyone should listen to him

  • Harald, thank you for that wonderful and interesting video. Your beautiful physics is just breathtaking! That´s how science advances. Einfach genial, diese wunderschöne, bodenständige Vortragsweise, Harald. Du illustrierst einfach genial und vivid wichtigste Themen unserer Evolution und much more.. Hast Du auch eine website, da ich Dich via Alfred L.Webre kennenlernen durfte (Video). Manchmal liegt das Gute so nah. Danke und bleib wohlauf.

  • very good work, thank you for uploading

  • Some things have to be believed to be seen!

  • i had a dream a lucid vision of the alien in this video the one u see when u first look it was black not white..

  • They are not Aliens and they are not your friends, they are Demons or Fallen Angels, and they want to be your friends as in Genesis 6 in the bible, might men, heros of old, it;'s all part of the great deception to get mankind to worship the beast, sadly it will happen, I pray God open your eyes by then, Jesus Christ is LORD

  • Truely a brilliant man , very informative information.

  • I have fibers coming out of my face and chin. Nothing i have every seen before!!! Thank you SO much for putting this video up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anybody ever see the movie "The Stuff?" It looks like black goo but it is white in the movie!

  • Funny, there is no videos out there of this "Sentient Fluid" acting bizarre.

  • Hi Richard, hope you're well….incidentally i have found many of the hexagonal things on me but at first glance they just look like shinny dots, until put them under the microscope.

  • Very Impressive. Although I wish he would have been more detailed on the future

  • Do you have that Chem-trail book from University?

  • wasn't MAX found with "black goo" coming out his mouth when they discovered him in poland???

  • all this stuff is from the machine-world….daemonic/reptilian attachements that these energy stealing vampires/parasites build onto and into us to control us,breed/manipulate us,feed from us….LOVE,HEALING, HELPING OTHERS LIFTS YOUR FREQUENCY so that YOU CAN SEE WHAT THESE BEINGS ARE UP TO!!!!!

  • Some of this sounds like the science of demonic possession. Interesting.

  • does anyone remember the black goo in Xfiles…..Hollywood told us about this stuff years ago :S


  • I've read so much the last few years, it makes me smile that I can actually follow him

  • Has anyone followed the scientists working on the theory that increased atmospheric pressure is causing all the biodegradadion and cutting down organisms life spans?

  • OMG! You ALL HAVE TO now read this scholars two main books. It is like these two men received the same exact information and interpreted the same ancient details from two different directions. Now that I have watched these, it's like these two men need each other to prove the whole picture. Harald comes from the scientific side, and Dr. Asher allows all of us former religious people to understand it all from that perspective which is equally, if not more important. After finding Dr. Asher I knew I didn't need to hear from any other expert. However, now that I found Harald, I can say that it will aid to everyone to combine this same truth from a totally secular, scientific perspective. So, for me, this was a massive confirmation even though I and many thousands of others around the world who have learned from Dr. Asher do not believe a confirmation to have been needed. Wow! These two men should join forces and do speaking engagements together. I Highly suggest anyone interested in all this to go read the two following books by Dr. Asher –

    The Land of Meat & Honey –

    Soul Revolution, Trinity of Humanity –

  • not alien but demonic, the stone or asteroid shower he speaks of 80,000 yrs or whatever in my opinion was the event of God casting Satan and the fallen out of the Heavens!

  • I believe Julian Asage! He made us aware of pizzagate!

  • It's shungite russian meteorite fullerenes. Had green water coming from the faucet. searched ways to clean water and found the plague stone. It eats anything harmful. That's us. Toss black stones from yard, parks, foot paths, everywhere and put in bottles so it can't replicate in darkness where it likes it and moist places. Toss black stones in jewelry. Nothing is safe. This stone killed plants and later came back to life. That's us. It makes you 'stupid' and zombie like.

  • THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART DEAR ONE. You opened my mind and have inspired me to connect with spirit on a higher level. All I can say and what I really feel right now is LOVE to you. PS I'm an Alaskan Native woman who practices sweats for inner/outer cleansing. Question: are animals affected? I wonder because if I were to cleanse would my animals re-contaminate? Thank you – nDoyckshin.

  • Spider like creatures, reminds of the Hadibov research… So fascinating!

  • It really is frustrating to see obvious chemtrails all around you, everyday, & you really can't do anything about it from the ground, lol… I just want to reach up & grab the planes to inspect them, & question the pilot, lol. I even called the people in charge of noise complaints for the nearby airport. There are many planes going overhead everyday. Some normal planes, some chemtrail planes. When I called to ask about these planes, (without mentioning chemtrails) with times & locations, etc… They could not find them listed, or on their radar. So they could not help me, because technically these planes did not exist. Of course not. I asked, well how can that be? Still not mentioning chemtrails… and he said, usually when this type of thing occurs, like can't find the planes listed, etc… it's because they are military or government planes who apparently don't need to be listed! They are really covering their tracks in this issue. But they will fuck up. They always do.

  • So with all the barium & strontium in the air & in our systems, if we were also deficient in copper, might we develop mad cow disease? Or have an increased risk perhaps…?

  • There are two reasons the New World Order/Dark State/Cabal/Illuminati are chemtrailing us:
    1) To hide the Nibiru/Planet X Solar System that entered our inner Solar System in December 2003. This System enters our Solar System every 3600 years and causes catastrophic Pole Shifts.
    2) The New World Order hate the Middle and Lower Classes and therefore want them to die, so, they dare not inform us about the Nibiru/Planet X Solar System.

  • smart dust and voice of GOD weaponry is real please be vigilant and aware GOD bless you and keep you whom he has repurchased

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